

MATE.BIKEを日々愛用する方々のライフスタイルにフォーカスするMATE PEOPLE。今回はスタイリストとして大活躍中の百々千晴さんに密着しました。

vol.02 スタイリスト百々千晴


自転車文化の先進国デンマークからやってきた「MATE. BIKE」は、環境に配慮した次世代e-BIKE。今回のMATE PEOPLEでは街乗りに特化したMATE CITYにフォーカスし、普段から“CITY”を愛用してくれている方々に、その乗り心地はもちろん、 自身のライフスタイルや未来のことについて話しを伺っていきます。vol.02となる今回は、ファッションスタイリストとして活躍する百々千晴さんの登場です。


MATE. BIKE” is a next generation eco-friendly e-bike from Denmark, where advanced bicycle culture exists. In this edition of MATE PEOPLE, we focus on the model called MATE CITY, which is perfect for town riding, and talk to people who ride this model about not only its comfort, but also their own lifestyles and future. For vol. 02, i we invited fashion stylist Chiharu Dodo.




– How she started her career

I started to like fashion around the beginning of high school, and I read a lot of magazines. One of them had a story on stylists, and that’s when I started thinking about being a stylist as a career. I moved to Tokyo to study at a fashion school, and after graduation, I worked as a stylist assistant for about three years, then went to London for a while. After returning to Japan, I started working as a full-time fashion stylist.




– What she remembers most about her time in London

Not only in London, but in Europe, there are trashy grown-ups (laughs). I mean, they are adults but significantly missing something as adults. But at the same time, there is a sense in the society that such people are not denied, or rather, they are remained as they are. In Tokyo on the other hand, everyone is busy working every day as a matter of course, you know? So I liked the fact that there is such a margin or allowance in Europe.





-What motivates her at work

I always struggle with that question. I’ve never thought about motivation much because I like what I do. I think I’m just happy that I’m able to keep myself rather busy.




– Personality of herself

I’m a type of person who has to do things when I feel like doing them. I am also impatient.

When I start something new, I tend to start without knowing whether it will be difficult or not, and then realize many things afterwards. If I do too much prepping before getting started, I end up getting frustrated and not wanting to do it. That’s why I just dive in when I get interested.




-What has changed from before and after the pandemic

I had some time on my hands, so I started Insta-Live. It was surprisingly well received by the people around me, and it led to a new job. I started YouTube around the same time as well. Those were things that changed drastically to me. On the emotional side, it wasn’t a very difficult time for me personally because we were all going through a tough time together. Rather, I think I became more considerate of other people’s feelings than before, telling myself, “It’s a difficult time for everyone.”



百々:撮影現場で、みんなで話している時に話題になってそこで初めて知りました。そのちょっと後ぐらいに、地元である高知の友人たちが 偶然MATE. BIKEと関わりを持っていて、そこから自然と乗りはじめました。


– How she got to know about MATE.

I first heard about MATE when I was talking with shooting crew, on the set. Shortly after that, some of my friends in my hometown Tokushima happened to be involved with MATE. BIKE, and that’s how I spontaneously started riding it.




– On the first ride

I immediately felt a difference from the electric bikes I’ve ridden before after my first pedal stroke. I like the sense of speed. I have always ridden my bike a lot when I was doing research or moving around town, so I think the MATE fits my lifestyle. I can get moving more smoothly, don’t have to look for parking space every time also. I’m an impatient person like I said (laughs).





– Things she wished to pass down to the 100 years from now

I would like to see a future in which many things still exist while the form and shape keep evolving. I don’t have a specific thing that I wish to stay the same. Fashion is something that gets consumed and worn out, but that’s actually why the shape and form of fashion can change. And at the same time, I would like to see a world where good things also remain.



百々千晴  / ファッションスタイリスト

ファッションスタイリストとして広告や雑誌を中心に活躍。プロダクトの良さをストレートに魅せるその洗練されたスタイリング提案は、俳優やモデルを始め、数多くのブランドからも絶大な信頼を集める。昨今では、自身で発信するYouTubeやINSTAGRAM LIVEも話題に。




As a fashion stylist, she has been working mainly for advertisements and magazines. Her sophisticated approach to styling, which brings out the best in products, has earned her the trust of actors, models, and many fashion brands. Her YouTube and INSTAGRAM LIVE videos are also becoming increasingly popular these days.




Photographer:Nobuhiro Fukami
Edit:Jumpei Ichikawa
