
MATE.BIKE presents 窪塚洋介のTEAM MATE vol.01 OCEAN TOKYO 高木とフリーザの椅子編

ブランドアンバサダーの窪塚洋介氏がホストを務める対談企画。記念すべきvol.01は美容室OCEAN TOKYO 高木琢也さんを迎え、自由気ままなトークセッション。

MATE.BIKE presents 窪塚洋介のTEAM MATE vol.01


Episode of Takagi and Frieza Chair

Episode of Takagi and Frieza Chair

自転車文化の先進国デンマークからやってきたMATEは、環境に配慮した次世代e-BIKE。このTEAM MATEではMATEアンバサダーとして活動してくれている窪塚洋介氏をホストに、毎回彼の仲間たちがゲストで登場。過去・現在・未来のコトから、他愛もない世間話しまで・自由気まま好き勝手に語り合う企画。記念すべきvol.01は、美容室 OCEAN TOKYO代表取締役の高木琢也さんが登場します。


MATE. is a next-generation eco-friendly e-bike brand from Denmark, a country with an advanced bicycle culture.
In this TEAM MATE project, our brand ambassador Yosuke Kubozuka hosts his friends, and talk freely about anything from the past, present and future. This memorable first episode features Takuya Takagi, the CEO of hair salon OCEAN TOKYO.




「インスタライバーのわりには演技もできるから(笑)。 高木に対しては、こんなに真っ直ぐなヤツがいるんだなって感じ。俺の中で赤って言ったら、もうシャアじゃなくて 高木だから」



– My impression of Yosuke hasn’t changed at all since I saw him by chance almost 10 years ago and got up the nerve to talk to him. He’s exactly the same as he was on Insta-live (laughs). He really is a man with no hidden agendas. –

Takuya Takagi


– Despite being an “Insta-live streamer”, I can also act (laughs). As for Takagi, I’m amazed that there is someone as honest as he is. When I think of red, I don’t think of Char (of the Gundam franchise) anymore, I think of Takagi. –

Yosuke Kubozuka







– Since Yosuke taught me about it, I’ve been trying to keep my gut healthy. I’m eating more yogurt and other fermented foods, and taking enzymes. I can actually feel that my body has changed quite a lot lately. –

Takuya Takagi


– When you take enzymes, your manhood also get pumped up, right?  (laughs). But for real, your skin looks better than when I first met you. –

Yosuke Kubozuka

「この前、うちの愛流から『お父さん、高木さんと繋がってるの!? やばいじゃん!』って感動しながら言われたよ」






– The other day, my son Airu said to me, “Dad, are you Friends with Takagi-san? That’s awesome!” He was so impressed. –

Yosuke Kubozuka


– Haha, his dad is way more awesome though. He’s coming to our Osaka salon even before I met you, I’m really thankful for that. –

Takuya Takagi

「普段の移動手段はどうしてるの? やっぱり車が多い?」






– How do you usually get around? Do you drive a lot? –

Yosuke Kubozuka


– I was mostly driving or walking, but there aren’t many places to park a car in Tokyo. It’s always been a pain in the ass to find a parking space every time. Having MATE.BIKE is very convenient in such times. –

Takuya Takagi







– By the way, during this Coronavirus pandemic, there were talks about how the air, rivers, and oceans got cleaner because people didn’t drive cars as much anymore. –

Takuya Takagi


– I think it’s important to have a positive outlook on things. If there were no Corona, I wouldn’t be watching and improving my health. My YouTube program titled “今をよくするTV (Make the Present Better)” and the activities of MATE.BIKE are all linked together as one. Don’t just be negative about what happened, but if something good came out eventually, it is okay, you know. –

Yosuke Kubozuka




「今の時代、“こんな感じ”って人たちの方が積極的に動いているからね。今できることを俺や高木、周りの仲間たちが始めて、その輪を少しずつ大きくしていけば未来も必ず変わるから。このTEAM MATEの企画もそういう主旨で始めてるんだよ」



– The containers for our original shampoo are made of recycled plastic bottles. I may look certain way, but I wanted to do something good for the environment, even if just a little. –

Takuya Takagi


– Nowadays, people who have “certain looks” are more proactive. If I, Takagi, and the people around us start doing what we can now, and gradually expand the scope of our efforts, our future will definitely change. That’s what I’m trying to do with this TEAM MATE project. –

Yosuke Kubozuka




– The world today seems to be heading towards something bad, you know? But the world is a yin-yang, so when there is something negative, there is always something positive happening on the other side. Our small actions like this will grow, and the children who grew up watching it will carry it on to the next generation. This chain of events will continue to grow. –

Yosuke Kubozuka






高木琢也 / OCEAN TOKYO代表取締役

1985年7月14日生まれ。千葉県出身。2013年より美容室「OCEAN TOKYO」を設立し、わずか7年で渋谷・原宿・大阪に8店舗展開 。日本武道館でのヘアショーに最年少の美容師として出演。2019年5月には2度目となるNHK『プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀』に単独出演するなど、現在の日本の美容シーンを代表する1人。



Takuya Takagi  / CEO, OCEAN TOKYO

Born on July 14, 1985, Chiba, Japan. Takuya Takagi established his hair salon “OCEAN TOKYO” in 2013, and in just 7 years he has opened 8 stores in Shibuya, Harajuku, and Osaka. He was the youngest hairdresser to perform in the hair show at the Nippon Budokan. In May 2019, he was featured on NHK TV series “Professional Work Style” for the second time. He is known as one of the leading figures in the current Japanese beauty scene.


Episode of Takagi and Frieza Chair
