
MATE.BIKE presents 窪塚洋介のTEAM MATE vol.03 秋元梢 相撲部屋から来たブラックニンジャ編


MATE.BIKE presents 窪塚洋介のTEAM MATE vol.03 秋元梢 相撲部屋から来たブラックニンジャ編


vol.3 相撲部屋から来たブラックニンジャ編

Vol.3 Episode of Black-Ninja from Sumo stables

vol.3 相撲部屋から来たブラックニンジャ編

Vol.3 Episode of Black-Ninja from Sumo stables

自転車文化の先進国デンマークからやってきたMATEは、環境に配慮した次世代e-BIKE。このTEAM MATEでは、ブランドアンバサダーとして活動してくれている窪塚洋介さんをホストに、毎回彼の仲間たちがゲストで登場。過去・現在・未来のコトから、他愛もない世間話しまで、自由気まま好き勝手に語り合う企画。vol.03は、モデル秋元梢さんが登場します。


MATE is an e-bike for next-generation from Denmark, a country with an advanced bicycle culture. Our brand ambassador Yosuke Kubozuka invites his friends to talk freely about anything from the past, present and future. He invites Kozue Akimoto this time.


「やっぱりタイヤが太い黒の”MATE X”、似合っていました!」



「“MATE X”には、艶じゃなくマットの黒があるって知ってからすごく気になっていて。今日みたいに全身黒のコーディネートが多いので、白の“MATE City”も目立って素敵だなと思いました」



– You looked great on the black “MATE X” with fat tires!

Yosuke Kubozuka


– I have been curious about “MATE X” since I found out there is a matt black one instead of a glossy one.   I often wear all in black like today, so I thought “MATE City” in white would be a good choice for my style.

Kozue Akimoto





「恵比寿にお店があるじゃないですか。すごくスタイリッシュな自転車だなって、オープン前から気になっていました。最初は少しゴツいと思っていたけど、例えば彼が“MATE X”で女の子は“MATE City”にするとか。ペアリングみたいに選んでもいいし、お互いに交換して乗るのもいいなって。私みたいに男っぽいものが好きだったら“MATE X”を選んでもいいし」



– When I told you about MATE, you already knew about it. What kind of impression did you have?

Yosuke Kubozuka


– I know here is a store in Ebisu. I was interested in MATE because their bicycles are so stylish, even before the store opened. At first, I thought it was a bit rugged, but then I thought it would be nice to pair them up with partners like  “MATE X” for Him and “MATE City” for Her. Then they can exchange the bicycles occasionally. And for women who like mannish style like me can choose “MATE X”.

Kozue Akimoto








– MATE is a sustainable vehicle that runs on electricity and does not use petroleum fuels. It is a kind of fusion of “nature and technology”, “people and the earth”. Did you have those impressions for MATE?

Yosuke Kubozuka


– My impression for MATE was fashionable and stylish. I didn’t even know they are electric bicycles until you told me. It is great to be aware of environmental issues on a daily basis, but sometimes it is difficult to move into action, and also my knowledge is not that enough. Then I realized that MATE could be a good opportunity for me to do so.

Kozue Akimoto








– I would like to hear about the future you draw, and your thoughts about 100 years into the future.

Yosuke Kubozuka


– Today, the environment is changing in many ways around the world, and “living-life” is becoming more and more realistic. I often think like that “the future is created by the past” and “the present becomes the past in the future”. I hope I can have confidence in what I do.

Kozue Akimoto


今回の対談は、秋元さんが持参してくれた芋焼酎で乾杯。この焼酎は、秋元さんの父、九重親方(千代の富士)が生前監修していたという「かめつぼ仕込み 本格芋焼酎 千代の富士」。







– When you realize that you are in the middle of circle, and there are many people around you, like a bicycle wheel. Then you can thank enough to those people and events beyond them. This notice can increase the value of your time. In that kind of meaning, it is a good day and age.

Yosuke Kubozuka


– There is no point in being negative all the time. The way you think makes a difference. That is why “NOW” is so important.

Kozue Akimoto







– If someone told me about a good product like MATE, I should share it with as many people as possible. Then I  think the society will become better and better. I believe that what would be impossible to achieve on my own becomes possible with the support of many people.

Kozue Akimoto


– There is a word “butterfly effect” which means that a situation in which an action or change that does not seem important has a very large effect, especially in other places or around the world.

By sharing MATE, we want to give even a small positive effect to the world, to the future and to the present. Share it with our friends and let’s start a good chain !

Yosuke Kubozuka



秋元 梢(あきもと こずえ)/ モデル





Kozue Akimoto / Model

She is active in a wide range of fashion genres from street to mode. She is attracting attention from both home and abroad as one of Asia’s leading models.


vol.3 相撲部屋から来たブラックニンジャ編

Vol.3 Episode of Black-Ninja from Sumo stables
