MATE.BIKE presents 窪塚洋介のTEAM MATE vol.02 WACKO MARIA アマゾンから来た神編
ブランドアンバサダーの窪塚洋介がホストを務める対談企画。待望のvol.02は、WACKO MARIAのディレクター、森敦彦さんとの自由気ままなトークセッション。
Episode of God from the Amazon
自転車文化の先進国デンマークからやってきたMATEは、環境に配慮した 次世代e-BIKE。このTEAM MATEではMATEアンバサダーとして活動し てくれている窪塚洋介さんをホストに、毎回彼の仲間たちがゲストで登場。過去・現 在・未来のコトから、他愛もない世間話しまで・自由気まま好き勝手に語り合う企 画。vol.02となる今回は、ファッションブランド「WACKO MARIA」のディレクタ ー、森敦彦さんが登場します。
MATE. is a next-generation eco-friendly e-bike brand from Denmark, a country with an advanced bicycle culture.
In this TEAM MATE project, our brand ambassador Yosuke Kubozuka hosts his friends, and talk freely about anything from the past, present and future. In this episode, we are hosting Atsuhiko Mori the director of highly acclaimed fashion brand “WACKO MARIA.”
「俺のイメージ的には、森さんは絶対タイヤが太い”MATE X”を選ぶと思ってたんで すけど、細いタイヤの方の”MATE City”を選んだのが意外でした」
「そっちの方が面白いかなって(笑)。ピーター・トッシュが一輪車に乗っている写真わかる? なんかアレっぽいなって思ったんだよね。タイヤの細さ具合とか」
– I thought you would definitely choose “MATE X,” with the fat tires. I’m surprised that you chose “MATE City.”
Yosuke Kubozuka
– Haha, thought would be more interesting. You know that picture of Peter Tosh on the monocycle? I thought I’d looked like that, with those thinner tires and all.
Atsuhiko Mori
「森さんの家からだったら、お店のPARADISE TOKYOまでの移動とか、MATEあるとめちゃくちゃ便利だと思いますよ」
-It would be really convenient for you to have MATE to get around between your store PARADISE TOKYO and your house.
Yosuke Kubozuka
– I rode it for the first time just now and it was pretty dope. Was amazed by the powerful assist when I start pedaling and all.
Atsuhiko Mori
– Denmark is a very eco-friendly country. And Copenhagen’s bicycle infrastructure is really advanced, with dedicated bicycle paths and national support for the bicycle culture. We are hoping to inspire Japan with that advanced culture, and to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and spread environmentally friendly practices, even if only a little.
Yosuke Kubozuka
– You guys don’t look like the type of people who are thinking about such things, haha. But I guess people like you are the ones who actually care. It’s surprising but really awesome.
Atsuhiko Mori
– Your lifestyle seems it hasn’t change for a long time. Have you always loved music, even before your professional soccer career?
Yosuke Kubozuka
– I’ve always loved music. I still love it to this date. The reason I collaborate with musicians whom I listened to in my youth is simply because I want to wear them. I try not to do too much of it though.
Atsuhiko Mori
– The people you introduce to me are always good fellows. I can see the likeminded connection. I hope the entire world can connect like that.
Atsuhiko Mori
– Since COVID, I think that connection got stronger. I feel that I am meeting the people I am supposed to meet and connecting with the people I wanted to connect. This project also started just like that.
Yosuke Kubozuka
– What is your ideal future?
Yosuke Kubozuka
– I think culture is important after all. If we could just make our culture beautiful, fun, and romantic, then wars and other troubles that are happening in the world today would go away. I know It’s not that simple. But I believe so.
Atsuhiko Mori
森敦彦_WACKO MARIAディレクター
1972年5月31日生まれ。兵庫県出身。プロサッカー選手として活躍後、25歳で引 退し、1999年大好きなレコードとヴィンテージサウンドシステムをセットアップ したバー「Rock Steady」をオープン。2005年に「WACKO MARIA」を設立し 現在に至る。音楽を根底に置いたロマンティックかつ上質な服作りは国内のみなら ず海外にもファンが多い。また幅広いジャンルのレコードコレクターであり、DJな どを行うサウンドクルー「KILLER TUNES BROADCAST」を主宰。この数年はず っとガレージにはまっている。自称映画大好き人間。
Instagram: @wackomaria_guiltyparties
Atsuhiko Mori / Director, WACKO MARIA
Born on May 31, 1972 in Hyogo Prefecture. After playing as a professional soccer player, he retired his athlete career at the age of 25 and opened “Rock Steady,” a bar set up with his favorite records and a vintage sound system, in 1999. In 2005, he started “WACKO MARIA” and continues to this day. He has many fans in Japan and abroad for his unique aesthetics and high quality clothes with music influences. He is also a record collector of a wide range of genres and organizer of a sound crew “KILLER TUNES BROADCAST.”